Temple Stay at the beautiful Jinkwansa temple (아름다운 진관사에서의 템플스테이!)

[Temple Stay at the beautiful Jinkwansa temple]

These days temple stays are very popular with tourists and Lara got a chance to experience one!

You can learn about traditional Korean culture, drink some tea and even eat some great temple food! It’s truly a wonderful experience

You can also learn about a very important Korean flag and a newspaper proclaiming Korea’s independence

Everyone, you must experience a temple stay

[아름다운 진관사에서의 템플스테이]

요즘 많은 외국인 관광객들에게 화제가 되고 있는
템플스테이를 라라가 직접 체험해 보았습니다!

한국의 전통문화를 배울 수 있고 차도 마시고 바로공양까지!
정말 흥미로운 체험이었습니다

특히, 대한민국 독립에 큰 의미가 있는 태극기와 신문들이 발견되었다는 이야기를 듣고 큰 감동을 받았습니다

여러분들도 꼭 템플스테이를 체험해보세요!

Filmed in cooperation with (촬영 협조):
WEBSITE : http://www.jinkwansa.org/html/intro.html

Organized by Seoul Tourism Organization

More information

More information for Temple Stay

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