[COMEUP 2024] Humanoid Robots: The Future’s New Co-Workers?


[COMEUP 2024] Humanoid Robots: The Future’s New Co-Workers?

[COMEUP 2024] Day 2 – December 12, 2024

➣ Future Talk: Humanoid Robots: The Future’s New Co-Workers?
휴머노이드 로봇 기술이 어디까지 발전했는지, 그리고 우리의 삶과 일터에 어떤 변화를 가져올지 살펴보는 세션

• 세션명: Humanoid Robots: The Future’s New Co-Workers?
• 트랙: Expert Track

• 연사: Nick Xu(Senior Vice President | Unitree)
• 모더레이터: 최성준(교수 | 고려대학교)

A session examining the advancements in humanoid robot technology and its implications for our lives and workplaces.

• Session Title: Humanoid Robots: The Future’s New Co-Workers?
• Track: Expert Track

• Speaker: Nick Xu(Senior Vice President | Unitree)
• Moderator: Sungjoon Choi(Assistant Professor | Korea University)

*For more information, please visit COMEUP website. (www.comeup.org)

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