[COMEUP 2024] 플란더스 데모데이: Gateway to Europe


[COMEUP 2024] 플란더스 데모데이: Gateway to Europe

[COMEUP 2024] Day 1 – December 11, 2024

➣ VISION SQUARE: 플란더스 데모데이: Gateway to Europe
벨기에 플란더스 투자무역 진흥청은 투자와 무역을COMEUP VISION SQUARE를 통해 국내 스타트업에게 투자 및 진출 할 수 있도록 데모데이를 진행합니다!
플란더스가 선발한 스타트업 중 Flanders Bio Roadshow 방문과 투어의 기회를 손에 쥐게 될 기업은 어디일까요?

• Timeline
00:00 [플란더스 데모데이 : Gateway to Europe] 소개
01:24 와우터 반헤스(투자상무 참사관(대표) | 벨기에 플란더스 투자무역진흥청)
16:48 메디팜소프트(박경진 본부장)
27:19 포어텔마이헬스(안태진 대표)
36:58 엘엠엔틱바이오텍(류동환 대표)
48:04 질의응답

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• VISION SQUARE: Flanders Demo Day: Gateway to Europe
As an organization responsible for attracting investment and promoting trade in the Flanders region of Belgium, it supports local companies in expanding overseas and helps foreign businesses invest in Flanders. A demo day will be held at COMEUP Vision Square!
Which startup, selected by Flanders, will seize the opportunity to participate in the Flanders Bio Roadshow and tour?

• Timeline
00:00 [Flanders Demo Day: Gateway to Europe] Introduction
01:24 Wouter Vanhees(Economic & Commercial Counsellor (Head) | Flanders Investment and Trade(FIT))
16:48 MEDIFARMSOFT CO., LTD(Kyungjin Park, Executive Director)
27:19 Foretell My Health Inc.(Taejin Ahn, CEO)
36:58 LMNTIC Biotech co., Ltd.(Dongwhan Ryu, CEO)
48:04 Q&A

*For more information, please visit COMEUP website. (www.comeup.org)

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