[Taste of Seoul 2022 ] Meet the First ‘ICON’ Award Winner of Taste of Seoul – HANSIKGONGGAN(한식공간)


We are pleased to introduce you to Tast of Seoul 2022 held in September.

100 Taste of Seoul 2022 was held with an awards ceremony, announcing the best place in each category and the achievement Award winner.

We introduced the eight winner of the Taste of Seoul Awards on September 30. Please meet them in the following video.

Meet Cho Hee Sook, the owner-Chef of HANSIKGONGGAN and winner of the Icon Award, who will talk about their restaurant in their own words.

2022 서울미식주간을 소개합니다!

행사의 개막을 알리는 2022 서울미식 100선 시상식에서 분야별 베스트 레스토랑과 공로상 수상자를 발표했는데요.
첫번째로 만나보실 분은 셰프들의 투표로 결정된 공로상을 수상한 한식공간의 조희숙 셰프입니다.

* 영상 제공: 서울시(Seoul Metropolitan Government)