MIPTV 2011- Pix Trend – Call For Chi Chi, Fuss Farm, Cosi Mosi


Pix Trend Inc. presents ‘Call for Chi Chi’, the story of Bella and Tommy, seven year old twins, who are invited to various exciting adventures in the “Pop-up World” when they open a Pop-up book, “Call for Chi-Chi”, hidden at the back of a bookshelf.

‘Fuss Farm’ is another digital cutout animation by Pix Trend, the story of Fuss Farm animals striving to restore the lost gold medal to restore good spirits in Granny Margie, their caretaker.

‘Cosi Mosi’ is an animated series of funny culinary adventures out in space. It brings into conflict advocates of gastronomic cuisine and those who prefer junk food. Let’s look into the recipe of Cosi the master chef, and see what would be the issue among the crowd.